Eastern Galilei as Industrial Ecosystem

This strategic plan was developed in the Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Design at TAU by Tali Hatuka, Gili Inbar, Coral Hamo Goren and David Kambo Maina.It aims to develop a regional vision for Kiryat Shmona and Eastern Galileiwith a focus on industrial areas.
The conceptual starting point of the plan is the need for a paradigmatic shift; to transition away from thinking of the city as an autonomous unit in the "old regional" spirit, autonomous from its hinterland. The "new regional" spirit includes complex horizontal regional networks, flattened administrative hierarchy, and ad hoc partnerships and alliances. Collaboration between authorities within a unified region will provide economies of scale and drive economic development in the region. Thisapproach may reduce wasteful competition between the city and the surrounding area (or between the city and neighboring cities), and more efficientlydistribute resources for growth and development. Collaboration between local authorities and investing their resources more productively likely impacts the local,and even national economy.
More specifically, the planaims to do the following:
1. Understand key features and characteristics of the Kiryat Shmona and Eastern Galilei industrial zones;
2. Develop a regional socio-economic vision and strategies for physical planning and policy development;
3. Study and highlight the relevant ideas and strategies that have been implemented internationally in the field of industrial planning and development with a focus on regional development.
For the first time, this plan assesses the role and identity of each industrial area within the city-region, broken down into five chapters. The first chapter includes an overview of development patterns in the Eastern Galilee region, with reference to industrial development initiatives and policies. The second chapter builds on the findings of the first chapter and offers a framework for future regional development. The third presents this framework as a concept. Chapter Four describes available and potential tools for regional development. Using the vision and tools presented, the fifth chapter outlines a plan for developing the city of Kiryat Shmona as the core of the region.
How to cite this report:
Hatuka T, Inbar G, Hamo Goren I, and Kambo Maina D, (2019) Strategic Plan, Eastern Galilei as Industrial Ecosystem. Available at: www.industrialurbanism.com.​