Established: 1949
Overall area: 14.5 km2
Population: 24,000
Area: Approx. 1.5 km2
Program: University Campus, Foodtech\ Aggrotech industry and Heavy Industry
Urban form: Industrial areas partially integrated with other land uses. Residential and industrial fabrics, separated by regional roads
Industrial typologies: Diversity of industries and sizes, ranging from small manufacturing facilities to large factories.
Strategic Plan, Eastern Galilei as Industrial Ecosystem
Hatuka T, Inbar G, Hamo Goren I, and Kambo Maina D, (2019) Strategic Plan, Eastern Galilei as Industrial Ecosystem
Towards Industrial- Regional Agenda: Planning Patterns in Eastern Galilei and Kiryat Shmona
T. Hatuka, G. Inbar, C. Hamo- Goren (2019), Towards Industrial- Regional Agenda: Planning Patterns in Eastern Galilei and Kiryat Shmona
Global Case Studies: Places of Production: Kiryat Shmona
Bazaj N, Hudson A, Kambo Maina D, Mascarenhas N, Su T, and Tran G, (2019) Global Case Studies, Places of Production: Kiryat Shmona
This project proposes testing and investigation of a new regional strategy with a focus on new industrial areas in the city and the region, as well as on the residential fabric of the city. This project is a cluster-based and ecologically sensitive development that aggregates the production activities of related industries, while providing economic and environmental resilience.
At the core of the project is the city of Kiryat Shmona, a city which is in many ways poised for growth; with a strong resource base, a growing population, and a vibrant industrial sector. Today, the city is striving to define its relationship with the surrounding region; chart a stable yet dynamic economic future; and preserve its existing character in the face of projected urban growth and change.
In order to support the city in its efforts, this project will approach the issue from three different perspectives:
Economic development: How can the city enhance and diversify its existing resources and assets, and create an economic plan that is both resilient and flexible in the face of coming changes?
Regional development: How can the city engage with its surrounding region to develop a coherent vision that promises to benefit all stakeholders?
Physical development: How can the city strategically approach infrastructure planning and development to achieve its social, economic and environmental goals?
Specifically, this project aims to bring new ways of thinking to the planning of industrial areas where city residents can co-exist with manufacturing through industrial and physical diversification.

Regional Ecosystem

Urban Schemes

City Plan
Project Team
PI: Prof. Tali Hatuka, Urban Planning, TAU
PI: Prof. Eran Ben-Joseph, DUSP, MIT
Project Coordinator: Gili Inbar
Students: Annie Hudson (MIT), Neha Bazaj (MIT), Nina Mascarenhas (MIT), Gary Tran (MIT), David Kambo (MIT), Tianyu Su (MIT), Yael Saga (TAU), Nofar Ramer (TAU), Coral Hamo Goren (TAU)
Support for this project is provided by the city of Ashdod, the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI Israel), and the President of Tel Aviv University and the Vice President for Research and Development.